
WEMF dissemination statistics

Geographical distribution data relating to the press


WEMF circulation statistics provide information on the geographical distribution of the daily and weekly press


The statistics support the planning of regional and local print campaigns. They show in detail, according to geographical criteria, where the distributed circulations of the daily and weekly press are spread. They also show how many households are reached with an advertisement in one of the participating press titles.

Published once a year ( January)

Benefits advertising market  

  • Insights for planning regional and local print campaigns
  • Supplementary information on WEMF / KS circulation certification

Benefits for media market (or for own press title)

  • Transparency / comparability with respect to advertising clients and media agencies
  • Information for strategic positioning and marketing
  • Monitoring of competitors



from 475.–


from 2 250.–


Languages: d/f/e

NEXT>LEVEL data portal (web):



Formation of individual combinations of single titles and distribution areas

Data licence for statistics:

Analysis of press media according to distribution areas

Fixed costs:


2 250.–


Additional license

Total costs (per year)

All prices in CHF and excl. VAT

Contact Advertising Market / Media Market

Marc Sele
Dr. Marc Sele

Deputy CEO and Executive Director of Data and Tools

E-Mail+41 43 311 76 64
Roger Lang
Roger Lang

Senior Product Consultant

E-Mail+41 43 311 76 44

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