MACH Cinema
The official cinema planning data

MACH Cinema makes cinema visits a valid currency
The cinema planning study combines the survey data from the WEMF basic survey with the ticket sales statistics of the industry association ProCinema. It thus provides reliable coverage at currency level. It reflects the seasonal usage behaviour of Swiss cinema-goers per cinema week. It also shows the preferences for various film genres as well as the seasonal reach of all Weischer.Cinema cinemas.
The study is published every two years
Benefits advertising market
- official currency for media planning
- reliable, seasonal reach data
- knowledge of the seasonal usage behaviour of cinema-goers
- Target group affinities of various film genres
Benefits Media market
- Official currency for the quantitative evaluation of the media genre
- transparency vis-à-vis advertisers and media agencies
- Information for strategic positioning and marketing
Contact Advertising Market / Media Market
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