Validation and Optimization of Predictions
Prediction Accuracy Check (PAC)

The Prediction Accuracy Check is a service of the Better Prediction Initiative of the WEMF and validates and verifies online targeting predictions of a publisher or marketer by comparing them with representative WEMF survey data. An analysis is therefore conducted to determine whether aggregated prediction results, such as socio-demographic distributions, interests, purchase intentions and brand preferences, derived from the current prediction model are congruent with results from WEMF's independent and representative data set.
Verification process
A high degree of congruence between the results of the prediction and WEMF survey data can be regarded as an important prerequisite and a reliable indicator of high predictive accuracy. In contrast, a low congruence or a high degree of deviation between the results of the prediction and WEMF survey data indicates a high optimization potential of the prediction. In addition to the congruence check, the PAC participant provides transparency into their prediction model and its results. As a participant, they are also obligated to continuously work on improving their prediction. Through the close exchange during the PAC testing process, the prediction owner benefits from the data science and analysis expertise of WEMF professionals.
Certificate and label
After completion of the testing process, the PAC participant receives a detailed report of their results as well as a certificate. With the official "Prediction Accuracy Check certified by WEMF" label, the participant can provide the advertising market with evidence of the validity and robustness of their online forecasts.

Swiss market solution
The BPI and the PAC were designed as market solutions from the very beginning and are now availa-ble to all interested market participants. Goldbach and Ringier Advertising are among the PAC's first clients. The two major industry associations Schweizerischer Wer-beauftraggeber Verband (SWA) and Leading Swiss Agencies (LSA) also support the initiative for more transparency and quality in online targeting.
With online campaigns, there are often difficulties regarding target group planning when it comes to evaluating overall campaign performance. This is where PAC certification comes in and helps provide clarity. It enables us to prove that our advertising is targeted.
The validation of online predictions enables us to improve the way we address potential customers and place advertising content that is suitable for them. In addition, the PAC creates transparency and thus strengthens trust in online advertising on our channels.