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Before 274 Days

Change to the WEMF’s Executive Board

Marc Marco

Dr Marc Sele will become Deputy CEO of WEMF AG für Werbemedienforschung on 1 May 2024. Marco Bernasconi will retire at the end of April after more than 17 years at the WEMF.

Dr Marc Sele has been with the WEMF for nine years and has helped shape its strategic development since becoming a member of the Executive Board in May 2023. He holds a PhD in media research and is responsible for the ‘Data & Tools’ area. Going forward, he will continue to be in charge of the operation and further development of WEMF statistics, databases and tools as well as the roll-out of new, innovative development projects within the field of ‘Technical New Business’. In the future, the WEMF’s Executive Board will consist of Dr Jella Hoffmann and Dr Marc Sele.

Marco Bernasconi began his career at the WEMF in 2007 as its CEO and led the organisation with great expertise and foresight until the end of 2022. Marco Bernasconi has had a significant impact on the WEMF through his expertise and strategic know-how. Last year, he stepped down from the position of CEO to act as Deputy CEO.
