
CTQ key figures

Useful info on pick-ups, reading time, reading quantity and loyalty

MACH Basic

In MACH Basic 2022-2, key figures on contact and title qualities at the individual title level are once again available.

The data on reading volume, reading duration, number of pick-ups and title loyalty show how readers use press titles and how strongly they feel connected to them.

Contact and title qualities for the newspapers in the "Daily Press I" title group

MACH Basic 2022-2 (average data)

The WEMF collects contact and title qualities free of charge and makes them available to license holders at no extra cost.

Benefits for advertising industry

In these times of discussions about fraud, viewability and brand safety on the Internet, advertisers and agencies may find it reassuring that printed high-circulation newspapers have proven to be intensively used and appreciated by their readerships and are thus recommended as a reliable advertising medium.

Benefits for media companies

Contact and title qualities give publishers of newspapers and magazines an insight into the reading habits of their existing printed offerings. A comparison with other title groups and press titles shows where there may still be potential for optimisation in terms of content and presentation as well as image.

With regard to the advertising industry, the CTQ key figures are useful in proving the value of an existing reach.

Voices from the market

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«The contact and title qualities even for individual titles prove to the advertising industry the value of the reach of Swiss newspapers and magazines.»

Stefan Wabel
Director, VSM Verband Schweizer Medien
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«The SWA is pleased with the publication of contact and title qualities at an individual title level in MACH Basic. The CTQ values benefit the advertising market, print media and the individual media houses.»

Roland Ehrler
Director, SWA Schweizer Werbe-Auftraggeberverband
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«For us agencies, contact and title qualities for individual titles are valuable additional and qualitative arguments that allow us to better position the advertising media of newspapers and magazines early on in the strategy phase.»

Beat Krebs
President, LSA Leading Swiss Agencies

Anja Hänni, Head of Buying &Team Lead Print, Radio & OOH, Dentsu Media


Contact Advertising Market / Media Market

Roger Lang
Roger Lang

Senior Product Consultant

E-Mail+41 43 311 76 44
Carmela Wittmer
Carmela Wittmer

Director of Customer Relationship Management

E-Mail+41 43 311 76 51